We have 106 kennels for dogs and twelve for for cats.
The dog kennels are divided into a sleeping section which is completely roofed and walled and an ‘outside section’ which has additional shade cloth over the roof for those hot Natal days. In the sleeping area there are large wooden pallets, which allow the animals to sleep above the concrete. These are large enough to accommodate large beds etc.
The cat kennels are very extensive and consist of a walled and roofed sleeping area, with a ‘sleeping box/igloo on a shelf, which has a toilet box on the floor below. The front of the kennel has shade cloth over the roof and shelves around the walls to relax and a tree for scratching and climbing.
Birds, hamsters etc. are kept in the shop or house and during the days taken to the veranda. Our business sees many dogs and to a lesser extent cats, but we do however have unusual regulars such as rabbits and a huge cockerel. Our most exotic pet to date was a potbellied pig, which we became very fond of as he was with us for six months.
Our five kennel blocks are completely contained with concrete fencing and all dogs who are not climbers or jumpers, are let out for exercise, off lead, at least twice a day. This ‘free time’ in the garden we have found to be most beneficial. It allows the dogs to toilet in their own time and also to ‘sniff out’ their surroundings. Toys are also encouraged it your dog is used to ball games.
Although we do not profess to call ourselves a Grooming Parlour, our girls are very competent at bathing & brushing - which is an extra service that we offer.